Coca-Cola Brazil 2014 Design Process book

Telling the story of an identity

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It’s not often we get the opportunity to write, design and produce a book to showcase one of our projects. So, when we were asked to create the Brazil 2014 Design Process book for Coca-Cola, we were thrilled.

We wanted to tell the story of how the visual identity for Coca-Cola’s sponsorship of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ came to be. The images captured throughout the project’s development, along with all the creative work, provided an incredible catalogue and diary of the journey from start to finish.

The book conveys each aspect of the process: from our research, inspiration, and creative process through to the creation of the finished design system itself. The final limited-edition, hand-finished piece comprised 300 pages, and featured a casebound, screen-printed cover.


  • Copywriting
  • Design
  • Print and production management